
My NixOS configurations and other Nix files :snowflake:

Primary LanguageNix


built with nix

My NixOS configurations and other Nix files ❄️



installers/ contains a custom installer configuration, built with nixos-generators. The justfile contains a recipe for building installers:

# x86_64-linux installer iso
$ just build-nixos-installer x86_64-linux ./installers/configuration.nix

# aarch64-linux installer sd image (requires 'boot.binfmt.emulatedSystems = [ "aarch64-linux" ];')
$ just build-nixos-installer aarch64-linux ./installers/configuration.nix

Manual setup

Some things cannot be set up automatically, especially some of the Catppuccin theming. Here are some things that may need to be done manually: