

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GraphQL API Template


This is a template repository for starting a new GraphQL API using GitHub's 'Create a repository from a template' workflow. This API uses the following technology stack:


Note, while this repo uses Express, Apollo Server can utilize other Node.js frameworks (e.g. Hapi, KOA). See here.


The quickest way to evaluate features is to open the GraphQL Playground after you run the app (http://localhost:3001/graphql) and evaluate the docs and schema.


Below is a brief summary of the capabilities of the GraphQL API starter:

Type Name General Description
Mutation signup UnAuthenticated User can sign up.
Mutation login UnAuthenticated User can login (if signed up, responds with a JWT token).
Query getUser Authenticated User can get user info (about themselves).
Mutation createSale Authenticated User can create a sale. *The Sale object was included as it may be useful to understand user and object relations. Drop if not needed.
Mutation updateSale Authenticated User can update a sale (they own).
Mutation deleteSale Authenticated User can delete a sale (then own).
Query getSales(skip:,limit:) UnAuthenticated User can read all sales.
Query getSale UnAuthenticated User can read sale details for provided sale id.
Subscription userCreated Event for when a new User is signed up.
Subscription saleCreated Event for when a new Sale is created by an authenticated user.

Below are snippets for executing various queries, mutations, and subscriptions in the GraphQL Playground.

Using this Template

Step 1. On this repo page, choose Use this template.

  • Enter new repository name.
  • Enter description.
  • Declare Public or Private
  • Choose Create repository from template.
  • Clone the new repository created using the template.
  • Install dependencies with:
npm install

Step 2. Stand up a MongoDB database.

  • If you are running a local/dev MongoDB then run it via Terminal. For example, based on how I installed MongoDB for local development, I run it with:
/Users/clintcabanero/mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath=/Users/clintcabanero/mongodb-data

Step 3. Open the project in VS Code. Add an .env file to the root of the Node app for connecting to your MongoDB.



Step 4. Run the app.

npm run dev

Step 5. Run the unit and integration tests.


npm run test