Ytk-learn is a distributed machine learning library which implements most of popular machine learning algorithms(GBDT, GBRT, Mixture Logistic Regression, Gradient Boosting Soft Tree, Factorization Machines, Field-aware Factorization Machines, Logistic Regression, Softmax).
- anancdshuawei
- Antosny
- azhiltz
- berzjackson
- charmbystudent
- cuicpByteDance
- cxxlyInstitute of Software , Chinese Academy of Science
- cywhfe
- dengsj
- gaoqiang
- hsmyy
- irlover
- irwenqiangAlibaba, Inc.
- jeoygin
- koyo922
- Ldpe2GSun Yat-sen University
- limonolith
- ll3027
- nanmaChina
- OptimusPrimeCao
- pedmund
- qichaotangBei Jing
- ruotianluoWaymo
- scharoun
- selaselahUnknown
- shenkewei
- SherlockLee1990@xiaohongshu
- SnailJieBaidu
- wepeAnt Group
- woshifzh
- wupeachfan
- XiepengLi@didi
- yangxq1001
- yupbank@Shopify
- zengjingjing