
64bit orderable unique ID

Primary LanguageJavaScript


sonyflake + pod hostname as machine id

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1. Install

$ yarn add kubeflake

2. Create a ID

import { kubeflake, parse } from 'kubeflake';

const id = kubeflake(); // 509414012220366329n
  startTime: 2014-09-01T00:00:00.000Z,
  generatedTime: 2024-04-15T06:53:32.420Z,
  timestamp: 303634412420,
  sequence: 0,
  machineId: 24057

... or with custom startTime

import { Kubeflake } from 'kubeflake'

const kf = new Kubeflake({
  startTime: new Date('2024-04-15T00:00:00Z'),

const id = kf.next(); // 41628333006329n
  startTime: 2024-04-15T00:00:00.000Z,
  generatedTime: 2024-04-15T06:53:32.420Z,
  timestamp: 24812420,
  sequence: 0,
  machineId: 24057

3. Use on Command Line Interface

$ npx kubeflake

$ npx kubeflake --parse 510468309502680569n
  startTime: 2014-09-01T00:00:00.000Z,
  generatedTime: 2024-04-22T13:27:02.570Z,
  timestamp: 304262822570,
  sequence: 0,
  machineId: 24057

$  npx kubeflake --help                

Usage: kubeflake [OPTIONS]

Generate 64-bit orderable unique IDs using Kubeflake.

  -n, --number INTEGER  Number of Kubeflake IDs to generate (default is 1).
                        Please provide a positive integer value.
  -p, --parse STRING    Parse a Kubeflake ID and display its components in JSON format.
                        Only valid formats that can be parsed into a BigInt are accepted.
  -h, --help            Show this message and exit.