
Star Wars API React app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Set-Up Front-End:

Clone this repo
Run npm install from the root directory
Run npm start and visit localhost:3000 in your browser

Background / About:

This app is based on a project to practice React, API fetch calls, and asynchoronous testing with Jest/Enzyme. The project uses the open-source Star Wars API, SWAPI, for all data calls.

Primary Technologies Used:

  • React
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • Jest/Enzyme

Test Driven Development:

Jest and Enzyme for front-end testing.
Run npm test from the root directory


  • Add radial star animations in background of app.
  • Add more/add less button functionality on cards.
  • Save favorites in local storage.


gif of app

Original Assignment:

SWAPI-Box project from Turing School of Software and Design


Karin Ohman


landing wireframe
card wireframe