- 0
- 2
#87 opened by XuyangPan - 0
#96 opened by not-bald-owl - 2
- 0
- 0
Any new model?
#94 opened by nissansz - 0
font2img problems
#93 opened by TomTheTaller - 0
- 0
IndexError: index out of range in self
#91 opened by Note-Liu - 4
#79 opened by lionel-daydayup - 0
all loss is nan
#90 opened by BAEintelli - 0
- 1
ask for advice
#86 opened by zcdliuwei - 1
category embedding issue
#73 opened by Nealcl - 0
why font2image fail some?
#89 opened by caihaunqai - 0
Color Only Black ?
#88 opened by caihaunqai - 5
embedding_num question
#56 opened by Johnson-yue - 3
d_loss_real and d_loss_fake near 0 after training for some step.d_loss_real 和d_loss_fake在几次训练后都变成0 不动了
#83 opened by zongzhimin - 0
category_loss is always 0
#84 opened by cqray1990 - 1
Interpolate problems
#82 opened by hongru-seu - 1
const_loss is large! 训练时const_loss太大怎么办。。。
#81 opened by zongzhimin - 2
some questions for handwriting
#72 opened by Danee-wawawa - 0
兄弟 你训练了多久 我这16g+1080ti+i7 训练了30个小时了还没出结果
#80 opened by lionel-daydayup - 0
how to pretrain
#78 opened by lionel-daydayup - 1
Why leaky relu in encoder but relu in decoder?
#63 opened by Scagin - 1
#77 opened by yao269220079 - 1 question
#51 opened by ouguozhen - 4
- 1
what's the parser?
#75 opened by Instantnoodles-madman - 0
- 9
Re-train the dataset with even more fonts
#74 opened by DonaldTsang - 4
- 2
Chinese Font Creation from Handwriting
#52 opened by Apollys - 3
Is there anyone who can implement this project in currently Python 3 and new tensorflow?
#55 opened by renjane - 1
how to generate the zi which I want?
#58 opened by Utopiaaaaaaa - 4
About init_embedding
#67 opened by MenghaoGuo - 1
category_loss problem
#68 opened by JaneFy - 9
tensor not exist in the checkpoint pcgreat/zi2zi
#66 opened by Henry658 - 0
- 1
- 1
#OSError: cannot open resource
#60 opened by Nealcl - 2
- 1 problem
#65 opened by infororange - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0 Error, Waiting for help.
#57 opened by JiarunLiu - 0
what's binary_obj_path?train.obj or val.obj?
#54 opened by Utopiaaaaaaa - 0
#47 opened by IlikethisID - 0
NVIDIA 2GB can I use?
#48 opened by IlikethisID