
Ruby Autoformatter!

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

How do I pronounce rubyfmt

  • en: Ruby format
  • jp: ルビーフォーマット

Does it work right now?

No, but it's getting really close

How do I use it

Build it:

  1. Make sure you've got cargo installed
  2. Run make all
  3. Copy target/release/rubyfmt-main to somewhere on your path as rubyfmt

Rubyfmt supports the following CLI invocations:

  • <whatever> | rubyfmt pipe from standard in
  • rubyfmt filename to format a file to stdout
  • rubyfmt -i files or directories format files and directories in place
  • rubyfmt directory to format all ruby files in that directory in place

Useful environment variables:

  • RUBYFMT_DISABLE_SZUSH=1: disables the backend render queue writer, very useful for debugging, literally useless if you're not developing rubyfmt itself.

Editor Support

Visual Studio Code

Rubyfmt is a supported formatter in the popular vscode ruby extension. You should copy rubyfmt-main to be called rubyfmt on your PATH . Once installed, add the following to vscode's settings.json file:

  "ruby.useLanguageServer": true,
  "ruby.format": "rubyfmt",
  "[ruby]": {
      "editor.formatOnSave": true


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