Arching Kaos API (obsolete)

Disclaimer: This is the OLD API used for Arching Kaos Radio project. The is under restructuring currently. Development is happening over:

An API for listing and uploading shows.


With this API, we can upload a mix of music or a show providing an IPFS link to the API, an artist's name and a title. The API starts the process of downloading the mix/show through its IPFS gateway while a DAT archive is created for it. By the end of the download, the mix/show gets saved to a JSON list with all its information (metadata and links) and it also gets posted to Scuttlebutt protocol as a post on the channel #arching-kaos-radio-mixes.

Install with podman

Configure it

Adjust sed commands for your home folder accordingly editing the ./ file. sed needs to be run twice cause it's twice on

You 'll need also to escape the / in your path and have no trailing slash / in the end of it.

Run ./

Install it

Run ./ to build the podman image and start it.

You have now the api running on visit.

Install with npm

After cloning the repo cd into it and run: npm i or npm -g i

Set up

Try running the following to setup directories: cd tools && node installer.js

Run it

Edit ./ to fit it on your needs and then run it or put it on a cronjob.

API Routes

  • / - Interface for uploading a new show
  • /shows - Returns the current show list in JSON
  • /show/add/:ipfs/:artist/:title - Adds a show with the :ipfs for the IPFS has (no /ipfs/ is needed), :artist for the name of the Artist and :title for the title of the show
  • /register/:cjdns - Adds a CJDNS IP to the ipList.json which whitelists IPs in order to be able to upload mixtapes to the API.
  • /server/register/:cjdns/:ipfs/:hostname/:ssb - Adds a server on servers.json.

All routes are GET
