
Simple DevOps Continous Delivery Pipleine for a Ruby and MySQL app using Docker, docker-compose, Jenkins, GitLab, Docker Registry and Snap Creator.

Primary LanguageRuby


Simple DevOps Continous Delivery Pipleine for a Ruby and MySQL app using Docker, docker-compose, Jenkins, GitLab, Docker Registry and Snap Creator.

Change docker registry from in all files to your registry

  1. Install and start Gitlab (For my env I ran it in a docker container on my demo host using https://github.com/sameersbn/docker-gitlab)

  2. Create new projects for each of: ruby-mysql-web ruby-mysql-web-test ruby-mysql-web-prod ruby-mysql-web-test-with-prod-clone-data

  3. Start a jenkins Server

  4. Start a Docker Registry

  5. Add new jobs to Jenkins for each project

  6. add jenkins plugin for Build Pipeline

Check https://github.com/phauer/continuous-delivery-playground to get help on how to setup gitlab, docker regitry , jenkins and build pipeline