
Example of Dynamic Generation for Submitted Forms by Events in Symfony 6

Primary LanguagePHP


Example of Dynamic Generation for Submitted Forms by Events in Symfony 6. In the moment of exploring this topic, Symfony guidelines are only mentioning simple implementation based on POST_SUBMIT event.

Minimal requirements

  • Symfony 6
  • PHP 8

How to install

mkdir symfony-dynamic-forms 
cd symfony-dynamic-forms
git clone -b main https://github.com/kapcus/symfony-dynamic-forms.git .
composer install

How to run

symfony server:start

How to use

open the symfony server url in browser (e.g. https://localhost:8000/)

You will see 2 links:

Test PRE SUBMIT form - this is fully functional dynamic form based on PRE_SET_DATA and PRE_SUBMIT events.

Alt text

Test POST SUBMIT form - this is not functional implementation based on PRE_SET_DATA and POST_SUBMIT events.

The Goal of this repo

  • To share PRE_SUBMIT implementation
  • Verify if there is any drawback of PRE_SUBMIT implementation
  • If so, find a way how to implement it with POST_SUBMIT