Python-based automatisation tool targeted to display's brightness adjustment

Primary LanguagePython

WABA (Automatic brightness adjustment tool)

Uses your camera or hand-made light sensor to autocorrect display's brightness

Python-based automatisation tool targeted to display's brightness adjustment

Still in dev, but here some plans to do: TODO.md



Hardware requirements

Match Python 3.11 requirements


  • Windows 8 or newer
  • x64 / x86 compatible processor (not tested on arm yet)
  • > 4 GB RAM
  • ~200MiB hardware space (and ~150MiB more while self updating, turned off by default)

Linux / MacOS:

  • not tested yet

Installation guide

⚠ There's only first concept pre-releases (dev_a and dev_b) available right now, they are deprecated and will not be compatible with current version.

  1. Go to releases
  2. Chose version (lastest release recommended)
  3. Follow instruction in release description



Build guide


Credits / Licenses



forthebadge forthebadge forthebadge forthebadge forthebadge

Crowdin wakatime