
A minimalist laravel package to post messages or notifications to your team's Slack.

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A very tiny and lightweight integration with the Slack API for posting notifications or any kind of messages to your team's Slack account.


  • Laravel Framework 5.1+


Using Composer package manager, install this package by running following command in your project root:

$ composer require jivesh/laravel-slack

Registering the Package

  • This package supports auto discovery feature introduced in Laravel v5.5, hence it is auto registered. You may skip to 'Configuration' section below.

  • If your app is on Laravel v5.4 or below, follow below steps to register:

  • In your config/app.php file, append the following code into your providers array for integrating the Service Provider for package.

 * Package Service Provider

'providers' => [
    // ...

  • Again in your config/app.php file, copy the following code into your aliases array for a nice Laravel syntax using Facades.
 * Package Alias

'aliases' => [
    // ...

    'Slack' => Gahlawat\Slack\Facade\Slack::class,


  • Create an incoming webhook on your Slack account for the package to use and copy the generated Webhook URL.

  • Run the following command in project root directory to generate config file for package.

$ php artisan vendor:publish
  • Now edit config/slack.php and paste value for incoming-webhook generated in the first step above.
  • You may optionally set a default username and emoji icon displayed in your Slack app from here.


  • Send any message in real time to your Slack account using this anywhere in your php code:
  • The backslash indicates global namespace scope for this function, you may import Slack namespace on top of your file by using it:
use Slack;
  • Then, you can call this Facade without a \ as:
  • To change the default name and/or display icon in your Slack app for any message, use:
Slack::send("your-message" [,"display-name" [,"display-emoji"]]);

// here [] indicates optional parameters

See this cheat sheet of available emoji icons.