
Clojure in Unity

Primary LanguageClojure

Clojure Unity

The integration of the Clojure Programming Language with the Unity 3D game engine.

Status (Important!)

Clojure Unity is under development, and should not be used for real projects yet. The remainder of this file is mostly for our own reference. More to come.


The Assets/Clojure folder can be copied into any Unity project to enable Clojure. In the future, this will be available from the Asset Store. Once copied, you have access to the REPL and the Clojure compiler.


Before doing anything, Clojure Unity requires that Unity be set to run in the background and use the full .NET API

Run in Background

Click Edit > Project Settings > Player, then in the Inspector under Resolution and Presentation make sure Run In Background is checked.


Click Edit > Project Settings > Player, then in the Inspector under Other Settings make sure Api Compatibility Level is set to .NET 2.0 and not .NET 2.0 Subset.


Clojure Unity ships with a simple networked REPL that is started from Clojure > REPL > Start. You can connect to this REPL using Extra/REPL/client.rb. This script is also the basis of our Sublime Text support (via SublimeREPL) and our Emacs support (via Inferior Lisp).

Clojure Compiler

You can write components in pure Clojure. The API is still very much in the air, but the appropriate gen-class call will work. Examples and documentation will follow once we settle on a more permanent approach.


Copyright © 2014 Ramsey Nasser and Tims Gardner.

Licensed under the Eclipse License, the same as Clojure.