Build Status

What's in this repository

How to use this repository:


  • Need to have node.js installed on the machine (version "^v12.6.x")


  • Run npm install command

Using linting utility

  • Run npm run lint command to run eslint

Running Tests:

  • Run npm test command to run all the tests
  • Run npm run generate:report command to generate html report of the test execution results

Test Execution Report:

  • Test execution report can be found in './allure-results' and './allure-report'


  • Test framework:

    • WebDriverIO
  • Driver:

    • Selenium standalone
  • Assertion library:

    • Chai
  • Supported browser:

    • Chrome, Firefox
  • Reporting framework:

    • Allure
  • CI:

    • Travis
  • Linting utility:

    • ESLint (extends typescript recommened rules. Details can be found here)
  • Pre-Commit hook:

    • pre-commit npm package to run linting utility before commit

Example website:

  • Refer to the test script for the website info

Care only about chrome browser?

  • Update

    • path as '/' (e.g. path: '/')
    • services as 'chromedriver' (e.g. services: ['chromedriver'])

    in wdio.conf.js file


  • N/A

Have a feedback?

If you have any feedback or question, please email me at