ORM based Model Mapper

An adapter to use Relational Storage as a Model Mapper


This is a very simple data model - client.

class Client {
	public function __construct(
		public /*readonly*/ string $id,
		public /*readonly*/ string $name
	) {}

A serialization/deserialization logic is required.

 * @implements ModelBuilder<Client>
 * @implements ModelParser<Client>
final class ClientSerializer implements ModelBuilder, ModelParser {

	 * @param array $source
	 * @return Client
	public function build(array $source): object {
		return new Client(
			$source['id'] ?? '',
			$source['name'] ?? ''

	 * @param Client $source
	 * @return array
	public function parse(object $source): array {
		return [
			'id' => $source->id,
			'name' => $source->name

All serializers can be aggregated into a factory class

final class MapperFactory implements ModelBuilderFactory, ModelParserFactory {

	 * @param string $className
	 * @return ModelBuilder&ModelParser
	private function getSerializer(string $className): object /*ModelBuilder&ModelParser*/ {
		return match($className) {
			Client::class => new ClientSerializer,
			default => throw new RuntimeException("Unknown class $className")

	public function getBuilder(string $className): ModelBuilder {
		return $this->getSerializer($className);

	public function getParser(string $className): ModelParser {
		return $this->getSerializer($className);

Defining the relational model

class ClientDbModel {
    public function __construct(
        #[KeyField('id'), Fields('name')]
        public array $clients
    ) {}

Using a MySql storage

$sqlQuoter = new MysqlQuoter;
$queryExecutor = new PdoQueryExecutor($connector);
$dataModelFactory = new DataModelFactory($sqlQuoter, $queryExecutor);

$serializerFactory = new MapperFactory;

//Mapping between the models and their storage keys:
$configuration = new OrmModelMapperConfiguration(
    [Client::class => ClientDbModel::class]

//Mapper factory covering all models
$modelMapperFactory = new OrmModelMapperFactory(
    new DataModelBuilder,

//Take the mapper for the Client model
$mapper = $modelMapperFactory->getMapper(Client::class);

//Prepare two records
$firstClient = new Client('cl-1', 'Client 1');
$secondClient = new Client('cl-2', 'Client 2');

//Using the storage
$mapper->all(); //0 entries

$mapper->store($firstClient->id, $firstClient);
$mapper->store($secondClient->id, $secondClient);

$mapper->all(); //2 entries

$updatedSecondClient = new Client('cl-2', 'Client 2 new name');

$mapper->store($updatedSecondClient->id, $updatedSecondClient);
$mapper->all(); //2 entries

$mapper->byId($firstClient->id)->name; //Client 1
$mapper->byId($updatedSecondClient->id)->name; //Client 2 new name

$mapper->byId($firstClient->id); //null

$mapper->all(); //1 entry