We become what we behold. We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape
Marshall McLuhan
Welcome to my (awesome) Neovim setup!1 Here you'll find the configuration for the editor that I use as my daily driver.
Install requires Neovim 0.9+. Always review the code before installing a configuration.
Installation is as simple as cloning this repository into your Neovim home:
git clone https://git.zakhary.dev/nvim ~/.config/nvim
Then, install plugins using lazy.nvim:
nvim --headless +"Lazy! sync" +qa
... and that's it! You should now be ready to hack away.
To keep up-to-date, regularly git pull
this repository. Note that after a
pull, new plugins should install automatically when Neovim is next opened.
Plugins are managed using lazy.nvim. To update a plugin, open and run:
Lazy update <plugin>
Or, to update all plugins:
Lazy update
Language servers can be installed using mason.nvim. For more information, see mason.nvim's help.
In general, LSP should automatically launch for installed servers upon opening a file. Neovim may need to be restarted after install for the first time.