
Storing data in Consul's Key/Value store via WordPress

Primary LanguagePHP


Storing data in Consul's Key/Value store via WordPress

Consul is a distributed KV store, used mainly for service/configuration discovery, service monitoring and general automation facilitation.

WP Consul is a Wordpress plugin that saves arbitrary data from WordPress into Consul's KV store. It updates the data hourly (via WP Cron functionality)

How to use

Create a key in Consul

For example:

Configure ACL

We allow the plugin to create arbitrary keys under the key we created:

Notice that in this example I have a rule that allows read access to the whole store. This is probably not what you want to do, so I am pointing this out explicitly to have in mind.

Fill the plugin settings


How to define what data you want to WP Consul to store

Inside the function wpconsul_updateStore(), there is a closure that defines the payload for the key. Simply modify it to meet your use case.

     * Modify this closure for your use case
     * @type callable $payload
     * @return string
    $payload = function () {
        return 'Change Me';