
Singularity recipes for bioinformatics software

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Singularity recipes for bioinformatics software. Build singularity images with these recipes (sudo required) or download/pull the images from singularity-hub.org

This repo is WORK IN PROGRESS. Feel free to try the recipes/Singularity builds, but they are not tested deeply and are in no way guaranteed to work. Proceed at your own risk.

It is somewhat modeled after https://github.com/StaPH-B/docker-builds , but with Singularity recipes instead.

Sysadmins for High Performance Cluster computers almost always favor Sinularity over Docker :) so I'm starting to learn the ways of Singularity.

Available Singularity images

Software Version Link
SPAdes 3.13.0 http://cab.spbu.ru/software/spades/
QUAST 5.0.0 https://github.com/ablab/quast
Lyve-SET 1.1.4f https://github.com/lskatz/lyve-SET
SeqSero2 0.1, 1.0.0 https://github.com/denglab/SeqSero2

These Singularity images can be built if you have Singularity installed and have sudo/admin priveleges

# build an image using a recipe (called Singularity in this example)
sudo singularity build my-new-singularity-image.simg /path/to/Singularity

# download the repo
git clone https://github.com/kapsakcj/singularities.git
# another example using the SPAdes recipe
sudo singularity build my-new-spades-3.13.0-image.simg /path/to/Singularity.spades.3.13.0

These Singularity images are also available to download from singularity-hub.org if you don't have sudo priveleges (no build necessary!). The badge below is a link to the singularity-hub.org collection.


The name of the Singularity hub collection is kapsakcj/singularities and the tag is specified by the extenion of the Singularity recipe file. For example the recipe, /spades/3.13.0/Singularity.spades.3.13.0, can be downloaded like so:

# download an image like so, and name it whatever you want with the --name flag
singularity pull --name my-new-spades-3.13.0-image shub://kapsakcj/singularities:spades.3.13.0

Useful links and resources

Tips/Tricks/Things-to-remember about Singularity [ many from Jake Garfin :) ]

  • Singularity automatically brings your user & group into the container with you (ie. no -u $(id -u):$(id -g) needed like in Docker)
  • Singularity (by default) wants to mount your entire home directory inside the container as well. Use --cleanenv and --containall to keep things separate and bring in specific directories you want with -B /local-dir:/dir-in-container
  • Docker images converted to Singularity that want to write to system directories owned by root aren't going to work out of the box.
  • If you are making a container with something that uses perl, add this to the recipe in the %environment section to prevent locale settings errors (see lyveset recipe)
    export LC_ALL=C


  • How to: Singularity

    • Links to docs for installing
    • How to download an image from singularity hub
    • How to download an image fromm dockerhub
      • singularity pull docker://staphb/skesa
    • How to take a recipe and build locally (sudo required)
    • How to run a Singularity container
      • Different ways to run - singularity exec [...] or ./name-of-singularity.simg [...]
      • Mounting DIRs - default way (mount entire $HOME DIR), or way to mount a specific DIR and not entire $HOME DIR
  • Create SingularityHub account

    • link to this repo
    • create autobuilds for each recipe