
Stochastic path tracer written in C

Primary LanguageC++

RT 01

A stochastic path tracer built for my own learning.

Much of the code is hard-wired to render a Mercedes Benz 300sl animation. You can view it here.


  • Normal mapping, displacement to normals
  • Normal ray plane clamping
  • Pseudo HDR sky using Perlin Noise
  • Depth blur
  • Motion blur
  • Per pixel sample stratification for smooth motion and depth blur
  • Uses Intel's OIDN for nice noise free output (even 16 rpp gave reasonable results)

Learning resources:

  • Ray Tracing Minibooks, Pete Shirley
  • Realtime Ray Tracing and Interactive Global Illumination, Wald
  • Ray-Triangle Intersection, Möller–Trumbore
  • Wikipedia: Cramer’s rule
  • On building fast kd-Trees for Ray Tracing, Wald-Havran
  • Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics

I would not recommend using this for any serious projects. Most of the code is not that efficient. However, I was satisfied, given this was my first attempt at making a renderer that could draw more than just spheres.

Since the Mercedes model is copyrighted it has not been committed to this repository.