
Library for reading moves from a quadratic rotary encoder

Primary LanguageC++

### What is this?

This is a library developed to help read the moves from
a quadratic rotary encoder.

### How to use this?

Copy the library directory into "libraries" sub-folder in your sketchbook.
More info at: http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/Libraries

And you can use something like this on your project.

#include <QuadEncoder.h>

int qe1Move=0;
QuadEncoder qe(2,4,3);

void setup() {

void loop() {
  //if (qe1Move=='>')
  //  Serial.print(char(qe1Move));
  //else if (qe1Move=='<')
  //  Serial.print(char(qe1Move));


example schematics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/28914418@N02/3755168944/sizes/m/

### License?

It's Public Domain, more at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain
I'd ask that you mention my name somewhere on the project but you don't have to.

### Who did this?

Pedro Rodrigues (medecau@gmail.com) on January 2010
Modified by Andreas Lekas (spadusa@gmail.com) on 31, January 2010