
invoiceApp - a fullstack application using Reactjs (MERN stack) for invoice Generation

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a frontend application using Reactjs (full Stack MERN Application)

A MERN stack (SPA) REACT Application deployed @ Netlify

You can Generate a Invoice and download it as pdf file without any hassle using this invoiceApp

Click here to Get Demo Invoice


Click here to get SIGNIN CREDENTIALS

Implemented Access Rights for every DIFFERENT TYPES OF USERS

Click here to know ALL RULES

This App has 4 different types of USER Dashboards with dynamic Sidebar and MainScreen :

  1. ADMIN




This has UI validations with yup and formik library and Authorization using jwt token system with useReducer & useContext Hooks and localStorage for Data persistance

My Planning and Implementation :

Click here to know my WorkFlow

App has 3 CRUD operations - INVOICE,USER and PRODUCT

public and protected Components with and without Sidebars

Each CRUD components have Role ValidationFunction which will help protect certain service availble only to respective type of users

example : only admin or manager can add users(customers) - if employee tries to access that page, it will be inaccessible