2018 Robot

Some definitions:

Collector refers to the entire elevator carriage assembly. Arm refers to the pneumatic actuating arms. Intake refers to the collector's wheels. Tilt refers to the collector's motor which allows it to angle itself. Hook refers to the climbing hook and the motor that moves its deployment arm.

Match Setup

I don't think anything special needs to be done to setup the robot before a match. The Arm uses an analog potentiometer, so it can be in any position when the robot is powered on. The Elevator carriage needs to be set in the DOWN position (triggering the lower limit switch) - I can't figure out how to zero the encoder counts on a limit switch trigger, so we can't ensure that DOWN is our zero position with a zeroing command. This shouldn't be a problem, because that's its physical resting position (gravity and all that).

Pneumatics Configurations

Name Default
Drive Transmission Low Gear
Winch Transmission Elevator Mode
Arms Closed
Winch Brake Enabled (Brake Engaged)