
Implementation of the SH:24 technical test, written in Ruby on Rails

Primary LanguageRuby

SH:24 Full Stack Engineer Tech Test

This is an implementation of the SH:24 Tech Test written in Ruby using the Rails framework.

Ruby environment

This application requires Ruby 2.7.2 and Ruby bundler. A Ruby version manager such as rvm is recommended. If you have Ruby set up you can use gem install bundler to install bundler, followed by bundle install to install the necessary dependencies.

Running tests

Use bundle exec rake test to run unit tests, or bundle exec rake test:system to run end-to-end system tests.

Running the app

To start the app in development mode use bundle exec rails server;
open to view it in the browser.

Development setup

To set up Git hooks, use bundle exec overcommit --install && bundle exec overcommit --sign to install overcommit.

If you need to manually check the Ruby code (which is not normally necessary, as it happens on commit), then use bundle exec rubocop.