
Please clone locally

What ?

We are a few people of programmers who wanted to know how people feel about few big platforms, and hear from them their reviews and feebacks.

How to use locally?

  1. git clone this repo.
  2. git install, if something was missing, please install manually to your machine, reactjs.
  3. to deploy the server, we made an easy script for you, just type in your terminal 'npm run dev', and it will be deployed with nodemon.
  4. Have fun!

Main goals

  • Have some form of persistent state and interactivity, e.g.
  • A hunger bar that decreases over time and is topped up when you feed them stars
  • A button to add more feedbacks to user collection
  • Write modular code: one component per file
  • Separate your container logic from presentational components

Stretch goals

  • Save your state to localstorage so you can leave the page and come back later
  • Have a button to show your current feedbacks
  • Make it look sick

Tools/technologies used

  • ReactJS - single page appilcation.
