Simple Vue 2 component, that allows you to make tabs with moving bottom line
- abujafariArman Soulotion
- ArchebiDea Leaper
- avdeev@mish-design
- axjs
- benjixxBerlin, Germany
- cheesytim@altai-ui
- ChristoPy@dymmepay @alertpix
- deepDiverPaulOnlineer
- dquagebeur
- Eddrich
- Esvalirion@maximatelecom
- fidanfTeads
- froziqMoscow
- fyeemeYoung Lau
- gapurov
- gtso86São Paulo, Brazil
- Horstmann93
- Ice-HazymoonMadrid, Spain
- jeeknowme
- JonathanOuyang
- Julia-Lavrova@neuron-digital
- leesmith@threatadvice
- mikhailmakarov
- moyancn
- mv92Republic of Moldova
- n01boy
- namereva@neuron-digital
- NightMan-1Moscow, Russia
- oleksandr-rudUkraine
- ornis1Moscow
- RobbieTheWagner@art19
- sergey-anischenkoMoscow
- thebooleanfrogTheBooleanFrog
- wallsteadCharacterStrong
- yokins上海
- zephze