
  • use gulp!
    • don't edit app.css CSS directly! edit files in scss/ instead
    • don't edit all.js => add/edit files in js/src/ (if you're adding new files, you'll have to add them also in gulpfile.js in gulp.task('scripts') section)


  1. clone the repo
  2. install node and npm if you don't have them already
  3. npm install to fetch dependencies
  4. gulp watch for:
    • Sass => CSS autocompiling when changed
    • concat/minify & uglify JS
    • start local BrowserSync server with realtime reloading


  • site works without JavaScript (newsletter sign-up suprisingly as well)
  • site is mobile-first
  • local links should have scroll class (for smooth scrolling); external ext class


  • Fixes

    • missing links in footer: FB, Careers
  • Tweaks

    • illustrations to SVG
    • decently animate them
    • graphs for PART Token > Distribution
    • "learn more" buttons to each section in mobile (toggle content)
    • convert it all to Jekyll (now it's just plain ol' HTML)
    • Piwik/Analytics?