Logo   Interactive Mario

Intelligent Game Framework based on Facial Features     Python 3.6 C++ 14


  • To create a framework that changes the game's features based on the emotions of the user.


Requirements :

  • Python 3.6 (runtime)
  • C++ / Sdl2
  • CMake
  • OpenCV
  • Keras / Tensorflow

Procedure :

  • Install Python in your environment(pre-installed on Ubuntu).
  • Navigate to the cloned repository.
    cd <project_directory_name>     #   Btp4thSem
  • Run   ./install.sh  to install all the dependencies.
  • Once all the dependencies are installed , then follow the following steps :
    cd mario/


  • The following project comprises of 3 main parts namely the Game Framework (Mario) , the Facial Emotion Recognition (FER) & an interface linking them.

   forthebadge    by students