
This Ember-CLI addon is used to add/change meta-tags and title on different pages of your single page application and thus make your website SEO friendly.

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This Ember-CLI addon is used to add/change meta-tags and title on different pages of your single page application and thus make your website SEO friendly.


  • ember install ember-seo-meta-tags

To make it work follow the given steps

  1. Inside any route add the title and metaTags properties and it will be reflected in your single page application accordingly. you can even set these properties dynamically and this addon will pick those up for you.
  2. If title and meta tags are going to be dynamically set, then we advise you to set these in the afterModel hook in your route. If you want to set it later then you can use a service like prerender.io to make sure your meta tags and title are picked up by crawlers.
  3. If you want a single place where you can list all title and metaTags information related to all your routes then
    • Open a service named tags-data inside your hosting application. This service will be auto generated when you install this addon.
    • Add data in service in the format given below
import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Service.extend({
// Basic convention that you must follow
// routeName must be as specified in router.coffee file  
// Eg for Route - this.route('products', {path: 'products/:pid'}), routeName will be 'products'
'routeName': {
    title: 'Your title goes here',
    metaTags: [
        tagName: 'description',
        tagContent: 'Text for description meta tag goes here'
      }, {
        tagName: 'keywords',
        tagContent: 'Keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3'
      // You may add as many meta tags as you want


Usage inside routes

// hostingApp/routes/home
export default Ember.route.extend({
 title: 'Home Page',
 metaTags: [
        tagName: 'description',
        tagContent: 'Contact us to know more deals'
      }, {
        tagName: 'keywords',
        tagContent: 'choose us, '
  model: function(){
   // Code for your model hook goes here

Usage inside routes with dynamic data

// hostingApp/routes/home
export default Ember.route.extend({
 model: function(){
  //get your title and meta tags data here
 afterModel: function(model){
  //set the title and meta tags from model data
  this.set('title', model.data);
  this.set('metaTags', model.data);

Usage with service

export default Ember.Service.extend({
  'contact-us': {
    title: 'Contact Us',
    metaTags: [
        tagName: "description",
        tagContent: "Contact us to know more deals"
      }, {
        tagName: "keywords",
        tagContent: "contact us, more-deals"
        tagName: "og:title",
        tagContent: "Facebook Open Graph META Tags"
      }, {
        tagName: "viewport",
        tagContent: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"
  'about-us': {
    title: 'About Us',
    metaTags: [
        tagName: "author",
        tagContent: "Some crazy guitarist"
        tagName: "twitter:card",
        tagContent: "summary"
        tagName: "twitter:url",
        tagContent: "http://www.yourdomain.com"
        tagName: "st:image",
        tagContent: "http://www.yoursite.com/static/thumbnail.jpg"
        tagName: "st:published_at",
        tagContent: "2012-08-05T05:33:00-0700"

Demo Application

We have hosted a demo application where you can see this addon in action.

Further Reading

  • Read more about open graph here
  • Read more about swift type here