A flask API that predicts if an image has a plothole in it using tensorflow model generated though CNN.
Following instructions are given for anaconda installation in Ubuntu. Installation can also be done without anaconda using pipenv.
tf is the name of environment.
conda create --name tf
or conda create --name tf python=3.7
specify the version of python 3 you have
Activate the environment before installing libraries
conda activate tf
Libraries required for running are as follows. Tensorflow 2.0, Keras 2.3, Opencv 3.4.1, numpy, matplotlib and Flask Install the libraries using conda by the following commands. Ensure the version of package before hitting y.
conda install numpy
conda install matplotlib
conda install tensorflow
conda install keras
conda install opencv
And install flask conda install flask
Clone the repository
Activate the environment.
conda activate tf
Close any app taking too much memory before running to prevent unresponsive pc. It consumes a ram of about 6-7 GB.
Having swap m
conda activate myenv
export FLASK_APP=app.py
flask run
To stop the server hit CTRL+C.
Deactivate the environment with conda deactivate