Getting Trajectories

Go to this link to get pouring trajectories.

Place the trajectory pickle files in the ./trajs folder at the root of this project

The files to access the pretext data is

Getting Pretext Task Dataset

Go to this link to get data for the pretext task.

The files to access the pretext data is

Robot Infra

A few useful files that would help interfacing with the robots. Hopefully, we can build this up to have first class I/O and Teleoperation support.

Collecting Trajectories

  1. Download xARM Studio.
  2. Attach the gripper of the robot and initilize it's initial position.
  3. Go to recordings and collect a trajectory.
  4. Download a suitable trajectory.

Note on collecting a trajectory:

  1. Mark 15 positions on the table.
  2. Put a cup at that position
  3. Add a cup to the gripper of the robot and put almonds in it.
  4. Manually take the robot and do the pouring.
  5. Save the recording.
  6. xARM studio has a very easy to use UI for this.

Parsing Trajectory

Now, we would like to collect image observations with those trajectories. Take the trajectory and extract it in the ./trajs/ folder. The format of the traejctories for pouring should be as follows:

  • trajs/{cup_type}/{cup_type}_pos_{num}.traj where cup type represents the type of cup and num represents the trajectory number.
  1. Now run python --cup-type <red_cup/plastic_cup...> --num <1-15> which will take the trajectory and parse it and save the parsed trajectory in ./parsed_trajs/<name_of_traj_file>

  2. This might take a while as we collect image observation for each action.

The parsed trejctory is of this data type:

  1. List[Dict], where the dict has the following keys:
'rgb': Image observation
'dep': Depth observation,
'state_joint_angles': The joint angles of the xarm robot currently,
'state_cartesian_info': The x, y,z , yaw pitch and roll of the robot.
'actions': The actions i.e the joint angles that the robot should go to next.

Running a policy on the robot

  1. Configure the robot state.
  2. Run --expID 200x --algo <mlp/ndp> to deploy a certain policy. The expID represents the policy which is meant to be deployed and the algo argument represents whether the policy is a MLP or an NDP.

Useful Functions

All utils functions are in

Realsense Camera stuff

  1. init realsense camera: _start_realsense()
  2. Get image and depth observations: get_img_and_depth()
  3. init xarm: get_arm(), gives you an object which can be used to control the robot.

Robot end effector control

  1. step(): moves the end effector by a delta x, y and z
  2. move(): moved the end effector to a particular x,y,z, yaw, pitch, roll
  3. set_joint_angles(): sets the robot into a specific joint angle configuration (the xarm has 7 joints, so 7 values)
  4. _get_state()