A repository for the AI2D-RST corpus.

Primary LanguagePython

AI2D-RST: A multimodal corpus of 1000 primary school science diagrams


This repository contains resources related to AI2D-RST, a multimodal corpus of 1000 English-language diagrams that represent topics in primary school natural science, such as food webs, life cycles, moon phases and human physiology. The corpus is based on the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence Diagrams (AI2D) dataset, a collection of diagrams with crowd-sourced descriptions.

Building on the layout segmentation in AI2D, the AI2D-RST corpus presents a multi-layer annotation schema that provides a rich, graph-based description of diagram structure. The annotation was performed by trained experts. The data and its description are introduced below using a single diagram (#2185 in the corpus) as an example.

  1. Diagram image: The AI2D dataset contains 4907 diagrams scraped from Google Image Search by using chapter titles in primary school science textbooks (for ages 6–11) as search terms. The AI2D-RST corpus contains a subset of 1000 diagrams randomly sampled from AI2D.
  2. Layout segmentation: The AI2D dataset contains segmentations for four types of elements: blobs (images, line art, photographs, etc.), text blocks, arrows and arrowheads. AI2D-RST uses blobs, text blocks and arrows, which provide the foundation for the graphs representing diagram structure.
  3. Grouping: The grouping layer captures perceptual groups of diagram elements, that is, groups of elements that are likely to be perceived as belonging together. Elements that form a group are assigned a parent node with the prefix G. The grouping annotation is represented using an acyclic tree graph, whose root node IO stands for the entire diagram. The identifiers are carried over from the layout segmentation.
  4. Macro-grouping: The macro-grouping layer captures the generic principles of organisation governing the diagrams or its parts. If the diagram contains a single macro-group, macro-grouping information is assigned to the I0 node that represents the entire diagram, or if the diagram features multiple macro-groups, to appropriate grouping nodes with the prefix G. The figure below shows the macro-groups identified in the AI2D-RST corpus, their counts and frequencies.
  5. Connectivity: The connectivity layer describes connections between diagram elements or their groups, which are signalled visually using diagrammatic elements such as arrows and lines. Connectivity is represented using a mixed cyclic graph, which may feature both undirected and directed edges.
  6. Discourse structure: The discourse structure layer describes discourse relations between diagram elements using Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST), an established theory of text organisation and coherence. Relations are represented in the graph by nodes with the prefix R. The edges carry information about the nuclei and satellites of the RST relations.

Repository structure

annotator/: The in-house annotation tool used to create the AI2D-RST corpus.

dataloader/pytorch/: AI2D-RST data loader for PyTorch.

examples/: Example visualisations used in this document.

guide/: The annotation manual for AI2D-RST.

reliability/: Scripts and data for measuring inter-annotator agreement.

utils/: Convenience functions for working with AI2D-RST.

requirements.txt: Defines the Python dependencies required by this repository for quick installation using pip.

Download the corpus

Click here to download the AI2D-RST dataset. The AI2D-RST dataset is available with a CC-BY-4.0 license.

Install the corpus

  1. Download the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence Diagrams (AI2D) dataset.

  2. Unzip the AI2D dataset. This will give you the following directory structure:

|--- annotations/
|- categories.json
|--- images/
|- license.txt
|- questions/
|- README.txt
  1. Download the AI2D-RST dataset.

  2. Unzip the AI2D-RST dataset. Place the categories_ai2d-rst.json file and the ai2d-rst directory into the ai2d/ directory. The directory structure for ai2d/ should then look like this:

|--- ai2d_rst/
|--- annotations/
|- categories.json
|- categories_ai2d-rst.json
|--- images/
|- license.txt
|- questions/
|- README.txt

JSON annotation schema

The JSON schema for AI2D-RST has three top-level keys, which correspond to the annotation layers. Each of the layers (grouping, connectivity and rst) can be found at the top level, along with the diagram identifier (id) defined in the original AI2D dataset:

	"id": "1189",
	"grouping": [],
	"connectivity": {},
	"rst": []

The id key is a string, grouping and rst are lists and connectivity is a dictionary.


The grouping key contains a list with each node as a dictionary, exported from NetworkX as JIT JSON:

      "id": "B0",
      "name": "B0",
      "data": {
        "kind": "blobs"
      "adjacencies": [
          "nodeTo": "I0",
          "data": {}


The connectivity key contains a dictionary with two keys, nodes for nodes and edges for edges:

    "nodes": [],
    "edges": []

The nodes list contains a list for each node. Each list has two items: the node identifier as a string and a dictionary specifying node attributes:

    "kind": "text"

The edges list contains a list for each edge. Each list has three items: the identifier of the source node, the identifier of the target node and a dictionary specifying edge attributes:

    "kind": "directional"


The rst key contains a list with each node as a dictionary, exported from NetworkX as JIT JSON.

The nodes may stand for either diagram elements or discourse relations.

For diagram elements, the dictionary is structured as follows:

      "id": "B0",
      "name": "B0",
      "data": {
        "kind": "blobs"

For discourse relations, the dictionary is structured as follows:

      "id": "UTDA79",
      "name": "UTDA79",
      "data": {
        "kind": "relation",
        "nuclei": "T0 T1 T2 T3 T4",
        "rel_name": "joint",
        "id": "UTDA79"
      "adjacencies": []

The keys of the data dictionary depend on the type of the discourse relation. Multinuclear relations contain the key nuclei, whose value is a list of identifiers separated by whitespace. Mononuclear relations, in turn, contain keys nucleus and satellites, as exemplified below:

      "id": "RXG74P",
      "name": "RXG74P",
      "data": {
        "kind": "relation",
        "nucleus": "B0",
        "satellites": "UTDA79",
        "rel_name": "elaboration",
        "id": "RXG74P"

In both cases, the adjacencies key holds a list of dictionaries, which define the edges:

	"nodeTo": "T0",
	"data": {
	 "kind": "nucleus"

Contact information

Questions? Open an issue on GitHub or e-mail the maintainer at tuomo dot hiippala @ helsinki dot fi.