
Flask Bucket list API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Code Climate coverage MIT licensed Build Status

CP2 BucketList API


This is a RESTful API written using Python's Flask microframework. Its features include CRUD operations for both bucketlists and bucketlist items.

Demo Video link


  • Python 3.5 and above
  • Mac OSX 9 and above or any other UNIX/ LINUX system. It may not work in Windows systems.
  • MySQL or MariaDB database.


  • install Python on your system.
  • Install virtualenv and vierualenvwrappers and set them up for your OS.
  • Create a vierualenv for the project. mkvirtualenv mybucket
  • Clone the api: git clone https://..
  • Activate the virtualenv and install the requirements:
    • worokon mybucket
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Set up the database.
    • python manage.py db init
    • python manage.py db migrate
    • python manage.py db upgrade


  • To start the api, run python manage.py runserver
POST /auth/login Logs a user in
POST /auth/register Register a user
POST /bucketlists Create a new bucket list
GET /bucketlists List all the created bucket lists
GET /bucketlists/<id> Get single bucket list
PUT /bucketlists/<id> Update this bucket list
DELETE /bucketlists/<id> Delete this single bucket list
POST /bucketlists/<id>/items/ Create a new item in bucket list
PUT /bucketlists/<id>/items/<item_id> Update item in bucket list
DELETE /bucketlists/<id>/items/<item_id> Delete item in bucket list


User register User registration

User login User login

CreateBucket New bucketlist creation

Get bucketlists Get all bucketlists

Updating a bucketlist Update a bucketlist

Delete bucketlist Deleting a bucketlist

Create Item Creating a bucketlist item

Update item Updating a bucketlist item

Delete an item Deleting a bucketlist item


  • To run tests using nose, run nosetests
  • Released under the MIT lisence. Feel free to contribute or use as you please.