
Primary LanguageRuby


Api to get tech news from the news api


/ : Returns top ten news articles /headlines: Retuns the top ten tech news headlines

Setting up

  • Clole the repo: git clone https://github.com/ranchow/news_api.git
  • cd into the project folder.
  • Run bundle install to install dependencies.
  • make a copy of the .env: cp .env.development .env
  • Go to https://newsapi.org/docs/endpoints/top-headlines and generate a new API key.
  • Replace the key in .env with the one you created.

Running the App on localhost

  • Start the rails server: rails s
  • Using an API client eg Postman go to localhost:3000

Running on heroku

Go to https://tech-news-api.herokuapp.com from your API client

Running tests

  • Run bundle exec rspec to run all tests.


I plan to add more functionality to the app like:

  • Enabling a user to set their own query parameters.
  • Adding a client side application to consume the API.
  • Enable all query parameters provided by the News Api
  • Add user aithentication