
the backend is built in Django rest framework and the frontend is built in vue.js

Primary LanguageHTML


This system is meant to help employers and HR departments in Managing employee data and leave days It is a great software and I hope to see much more features on the app. Enjoy 😃😀
To Install this app clone the repo into your directory Create and run virtual environment Virtualenv venv source Venv/Scripts/activate
Install dependancies
    pip install -r requirements.txt

go to project

Runserver to see if it actually works
    python manage.py runserver

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Congrats, You have Successfully installed the HR app 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


I started with creating the models for the database tables, I sketched on a book then actualized with code and tested my implementations using django admin

I created the serializers for my models and connected all the related fields

I proceeded to creating the views for the serialized models

Finally, I created the URLs for Routing into the RESTful APIS to get the JSON data


After Further research I used Single File Component (SFC) for the ease of abstraction of different user information and over another level of security for the application The SFC is deployed on a different IP which will be connect to this website backend