To Install this app clone the repo into your directory Create and run virtual environment Virtualenv venv source Venv/Scripts/activate
Install dependancies
pip install -r requirements.txt
go to project
Runserver to see if it actually works
python runserver
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Congrats, You have Successfully installed the HR app 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
I created the serializers for my models and connected all the related fields
I proceeded to creating the views for the serialized models
Finally, I created the URLs for Routing into the RESTful APIS to get the JSON data
After Further research I used Single File Component (SFC) for the ease of abstraction of different user information and over another level of security for the application The SFC is deployed on a different IP which will be connect to this website backend