
A bot written for Rainbow 6 Siege for Discord

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A bot written for Rainbow 6 Siege for Discord using NodeJS and the DiscordJs Library


  1. Because I can
  2. Because this seemed like a great way to introduce newer players to the game since there are 55(!) operators and it is a challenge in the beginning to get to know all of them and what their abilities do. Since this bot would give them all the relevant information about the operator, it'll help them get slightly more used to the game
  3. This (in future) also serves as a map guideline for ideal reinforcements, good locations for Valkyrie cams, Maestro evil-eyes, Mira windows, etc. so that players can improve on their game knowledge.

This project is built entirely in NodeJS with the help of DiscordJS and Sequelize

I used the following resources while learning how to make the bot

  1. https://discordjs.guide/
  2. https://sequelize.org/v5/
  3. StackOverflow
  4. https://nodejs.org/api/


  1. Help - shows all available commands, usage, and description of all commands
  2. Operator - shows all information about a Rainbow 6 operator: speed, armour rating, guns, gadgets, abilities.

In Progress

  1. Maps - will show ideal reinforcement locations
  2. Gadget locations - will show ideal locations for gadgets