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We present MARG - Monitor Assess Report Guide, a complete ecosystem for the citizens and government to ease the process of road maintenance and progress checking. MARG has been designed keeping the users in mind - we want them to have an intrinsic motivation to help their locality and the government. We try to incorporate a sense of ownership towards their surroundings as well as motivate them using the stories of other people who have successfully helped the government.

The MARG Ecosystem consists of two components:

  1. MARG Dashboard: A web-based dashboard for the respective government officials to view, assess and resolve road maintenance issues as well as monitor the progress of road constructions. It has 3 tabs: i) Home - Contains all the reports submitted in the area, sorted by the latest. The reports that require immediate attention (emergency) are displayed on the top. The official can then open a report and check the location, severity and image of the report. They can then accept or reject the report if it is not valid. In addition to this, they can also provide feedback to the reporter and assign a deadline to it. One of the key features is that they can update the progress on the report. ii) Map - Contains a heatmap of all the locations from which the reports have been filed in the area. With this, they can look and identify areas that require more attention. iii) Roads - Contains a list of roads that have been reported the most by users, along with the respective locality.
  2. MARG App: A portable device friendly application for citizens to assist in reporting a damaged road that requires attention, emergency situations (roads unfit for travel) and provide feedback on ongoing construction projects. There are 3 main layouts: i) Add Report - Lets the user capture the image of a damaged road or an ongoing construction project, add a text description along with a list of checkboxes to determine the severity of the damage. These checkboxes have been added by us after discussing with civil engineers. The image being uploaded is checked by a trained model to check if it really is a valid road picture - to avoid spam on the dashboard. ii) Home - This screen acts as an engagement portal for the app users. They are: MARG Spotlight: The top contributors to the application for the month are select and a customised GIF is created for them listing their achievements from their joining date to how many roads they have helped maintain. This is for other users to get motivated by seeing what other users are doing. My MARG Stats: The user can see a text telling him “I have reported 20 times and helped maintain 8 roads”. This is so that they can have a sense of achievement and ownership of the roads they have helped. MARGTeam: We also give an option for users to team up with users in their area to form a MARGTeam. They will get objectives to fulfill with the team. Map: A map with all the reports in the nearby area along with the top contributors for each road. MARG Badges: Users will be provided with badges according to their achievements. iii) My MARG Profile - The user can see all the submitted reports and track them with the progress bar. It also contains the avatar for the profile and other basic information.