
Reproduction of the NeurIPS Spotlight Rank-N-Contrast (https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.01189) as a Course Project for CS F425 - Deep Learning. Our presentation is linked below.

Primary LanguagePython

DL assignment: Rank-N-Contrast

NOTE : Python version 3.9.x is recommended.

Loss Function

The loss function RnCLoss used for the CV part in loss.py takes features and labels as input, return the loss value, and has three hyper-parameters: temperature, label_diff, and feature_sim associated with it.

from loss import RnCLoss

# define loss function with temperature, label difference measure, and feature similarity measure
# we have kept the following config constant for all the experiments conducted:

criterion = RnCLoss(temperature=2, label_diff='l1', feature_sim='l2')
loss = criterion(features, labels) # features: (bs, 2, fear_dim), labels: (bs, label_dim)

Running the code for the reproducibility section

Firstly, download the AgeDB dataset and extract the zip file (we contacted the authors of the AgeDB dataset for the zip password) to folder ./CNN/data.

Change to the CNN folder, then run the file as needed. main_l1.py trains the model with just L1 loss in a 1-stage setting. main_rnc.py trains the encoder with the RnC framework and saves it in ./save. Finally, run main_linear.py, which uses the trained encoder to train the regressor on top in a 2-stage setting.

cd ./CNN

python main_l1.py

python main_rnc.py

python main_linear.py --ckpt <your_checkpoint_from_rnc>

Apart from the official reproduction, we have also tried out this loss on a Graph Regression Task, the ESOL dataset.

It is publicly available as a subset of MoleculeNet here.

The detailed results are available here with run plots on my wandb account here. A brief summary is below -

Method / Loss test MAE test RMSE test MSE validation MAE validation RMSE validation MSE
normal-L1 0.247 0.326 0.106 0.224 0.325 0.106
RnC(L1) + freeze 0.219 0.297 0.088 0.255 0.359 0.129
RnC(L1) 0.212 0.314 0.099 0.235 0.345 0.119
RnC(L2) 0.266 0.342 0.117 0.276 0.366 0.134
RnC(Huber) 0.242 0.326 0.106 0.245 0.317 0.101

A (UMAP) view on the amazing representation space learned by RnC v/s end-to-end L1,
Training Data (left), Test Data (right)
train data test data

A sequence of commands to reporduce our results - (can be done completely on the free version of Google CoLab, though you might run into python version issues, some known issues are listed below)

  • First create a directory called "data/" and create a subfolder titled "ESOL", then you can create the preprocessed dataset as

    python3 -m GNN.preprocess
  • The exact runs can be reproduced by running the 3 scripts, they have already been updated with optimal parameters as the default ones. (Note that, we have done some hyperparameter tuning but not a very rigorous grid search)

    python3 -m GNN.main_l1
    python3 -m GNN.main_rnc
    python3 -m GNN.main_linear --ckpt <your_checkpoint_from_rnc> [OPTINAL] --freeze_encoder --loss [l1(default)/MSE/huber]
  • The plots for the representation space can be reproduced using

    python3 -m misc.representation_space

Everything will be by default logged to w&b and so I recommend signing in using (and pasting your API Key)
wandb login

Following is a bash script to run on multiple GPUs or slurm clusters -


#SBATCH --job-name=GNN
#SBATCH --output=logs/l1_GNN.out
#SBATCH --error=logs/l1_GNN.err
#SBATCH --time=10:00:00
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:2
#SBATCH --mem=128G


cd GNN/

python3 main_l1.py --data_folder data/

# other possible runs are
# python3 main_l1.py --data_folder data/, with output=logs/L1_GNN.out and error=logs/L1_GNN.err
# python3 main_rnc.py --data_folder data/, with output=logs/rnc_GNN.out and error=logs/rnc_GNN.err

# python3 main_linear.py --data_folder data/ --loss [L1(default)/MSE/huber] --ckpt <path> [OPTIONAL] --freeze_encoder, 
# with output=logs/linear_GNN.out and error=logs/linear_GNN.err

Known issues -

  1. You might not be able to download all PyG dependencies, on a higher python version (> 3.9.19), especially the ones that have a cu117 at the end, all experiments can be reproduced without those libraries so feel free to remove them!


  • kaiwenzha/Rank-N-Contrast: Repository code helped in the reproducibility section.
  • AgeDB: Dataset used for CV task in the reproducibility section.
  • ESOL: Dataset used for GNN task in the extension on the reproduction.