
Partition, Transform, Load, and Search large CSV files

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Partition, Transform, Load, and Search large CSV files.


The core idea behind this architecture is to be able to adjust parameters to scale the system as per the amount of computing available in the environment. For instance, the system can process more batches on a CPU with more threads.


The system is implemented as a standard Go CLI application, checkout the Makefile for available commands.

Generate sample test files using the make generate_sample_data command for development, benchmarks etc.

$ make generate_sample_data
Generated sample data
4.0K    samples/sample_1k.csv
240K    samples/sample_10k.csv
2.3M    samples/sample_100k.csv
 23M    samples/sample_1m.csv
230M    samples/sample_10m.csv
2.3G    samples/sample_100m.csv
 23G    samples/sample_1b.csv


amd64 and arm64 binaries are available for linux, windows, and darwin via the build github action.


Benchmarks were done on Apple M2 CPU with 16 GB Memory. scripts/pandas_benchmark.sh has benchmark implementation for pandas.


Partition input CSV file into multiple smaller files.


Partition Manifest

The manifest includes information about how the CSV file is partitioned into smaller chunks, specifying the start and end buffer indices of each partition.

  "total_rows": <int>,
  "partition_size": <int>,
  "partitions": [
    { "start": <int>, "end": <int> },
    { "start": <int>, "end": <int> }


$ scale-etl partition [command options] [arguments...]

   --file-path value       Input CSV file path
   --partition-dir value   Output directory for partition manifest files (default: "partitions")
   --partition-size value  Partition size (default: 0)


$ scale-etl partition --file-path samples/sample_10m.csv --partition-size 100000


Sample Size Partition Size Pandas ScaleETL Improvement
100k 10,000 34.7ms 5.0497ms 6.94x
1m 10,000 316.1ms 50.6128ms 6.26x
10m 100,000 3.020s 398.8537ms 7.5x
100m 1,000,000 41.2236s 3.8394s 10.72x
1b 1,000,000 462.6593s 40.1622s 11.52x


Transform partitions into a particular format (dynamodb, parquet, json, csv).



YAML structure represents a schema definition used by the transformer for a given CSV file. Optional fields such as table_name, key can be used in certain scenarios. For example, the table_name field is can for transform type dynamodb.

table_name: <str> [optional]
key: <str> [optional]
  - <name>: <type>


$ scale-etl transform [command options] [arguments...]

   --file-path value       Input CSV file path
   --partition-dir value   Output directory for partition manifest files (default: "partitions")
   --batch-size value      Number of partitions to be processed concurrently (default: 5)
   --segment-size value    Size of segment each partition will be divided into (default: 0)
   --schema-path value     Schema file path (default: "schema.yaml")
   --delimiter value       Delimiter character (default: ",")
   --no-header             CSV file does not have a header row (default: false)
   --transform-type value  Output format of the transform (default: "csv")
   --output-dir value      Output directory for transformed files (default: "output")


$ scale-etl transform --file-path samples/sample_10m.csv --segment-size 10000


Sample Size Batch Size Segment Size Pandas ScaleETL Improvement
100k 10 10,000 181.2ms 14.0836ms 12.87x
1m 10 10,000 789.4ms 86.9535ms 9.09x
10m 20 10,000 7.9503s 821.9298ms 9.67x
100m 20 100,000 91.2204s 6.7518s 13.50x
1b 20 100,000 988.845s 70.2302s 14.06x


Searches partitions for a specific pattern.



   --pattern value        Search pattern
   --output value         Output CSV file path (default: "matches.csv")
   --file-path value      Input CSV file path
   --partition-dir value  Output directory for partition manifest files (default: "partitions")
   --batch-size value     Number of partitions to be processed concurrently (default: 5)
   --segment-size value   Size of segment each partition will be divided into (default: 0)
   --schema-path value    Schema file path (default: "schema.yaml")
   --delimiter value      Delimiter character (default: ",")
   --no-header            CSV file does not have a header row (default: false)


$ scale-etl search --file-path samples/sample_10m.csv --segment-size 10000 --pattern abc


Sample Size Segment Size Pandas ScaleETL Improvement
100k 10,000 212.7ms 12.1287ms 18.73x
1m 10,000 1.1510s 96.2360ms 11.98x
10m 100,000 11.5798s 541.4265ms 21.41x
100m 1,000,000 146.9870s 4.7879s 30.72x
1b 1,000,000 1492.5549s 48.6179s 30.68x


Load transformed segments concurrently.



$ scale-etl load [command options] [arguments...]

   --file-path value    Input CSV file path
   --output-dir value   Output directory for transformed files (default: "output")
   --pool-size value    Number of concurrent calls of the specified script (default: 0)
   --script-path value  Path of script to be executed for each segment


$ scale-etl load --file-path samples/sample_10m.csv --pool-size 50 --script-path ./scripts/sample_load_script.sh


Loader benchmark can be quite subjective as there are a lot of external factors to consider like data store latency and network bandwidth. Below is a sample benchmark for PostgreSQL 16.1 running on Docker 4.25.2 (scripts/sample_pg_load_script.sh).

Sample Size Segment Size Time
100k 10,000 12.1287ms
1m 10,000 96.2360ms
10m 100,000 541.4265ms
100m 1,000,000 4.7879s
1b 1,000,000 48.6179s

Future Scope

Potential areas of future development and improvement:

  • In partitions streaming without reading the entire file and creating a partition manifest.
  • Remove, Add or Derive a column from an existing columns.
  • View/stream any partition within a specified range.
  • RESTful interface for all core features.
  • Multiple input formats (xls, JSON, etc) support.