
In one go, mark attendance on LMS from multiple accounts

Primary LanguagePython



In one go, mark attendance on LMS from multiple accounts.


  • 17/2/23
    Previously, there was a huge flaw that the bot would start working only after the attendance password was input. If the pages were slow to load, the bot would've missed the 15 second window and erroneously entered the old password, only to start the process all over again.
    Now, the bot auto-logins to LMS and inputs attendance password parallelly. Several accounts/windows can be opened while password is entered within the plentiful 15 second windows.
    Enter the password after you see that the atttendance pages on all windows have loaded for attendance to be marked instantly. Simply replace the old bot.py with the new one.


This program auto-logins multiple accounts on LMS simultaneously using the credentials you provide in credentials.json and marks their attendance in the course you select using the attendance password you enter.

Run bot.py as you would any python program.


python3 bot.py



Installation & Setup

Prerequisite - python must be installed on your system.

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Download the latest stable release of ChromeDriver from https://chromedriver.chromium.org/home for your operating system.
  3. Unzip ChromeDriver into the local folder.
    The local directory structure should look like this:
|   bot.py
│   chromedriver
│   courses.json
|   credentials.json
│   README.md
  1. Run this command in the terminal:
pip install selenium

Installation done! Now to set it up.

  1. Go into bot.py and choose a web browser that is installed on your system. Comment out the rest.


  1. Add all your courses to courses.json in the following format:


  • Names can be anything that will help you identify the courses later on, but the urls must be links to "Lecture Attendance" pages.


  1. Add your LMS credentials, as well as credentials of your friends to credentials.json in the following format:


Setup done!


I made this program hastily and have only tested it on my native platform as a result.
If you run into any issues, drop it here or send me an email at mistermond@pm.me from your personal mail id and I'll get back to you. (I can't reply back to thapar.edu domain)