
Karappo's code style guides

Style guides in Karappo Inc.



  • "MUST" means required. Developers must abide by these conventions before merging into master.
  • "SHOULD" means recommended. During code reviews, it is common for many small issues to be raised. While it is not critical for developers to fix all of these notes, they are encouraged to stay as close to the style guidelines as possible.

Contribution (for developers in Karappo Inc.)


  1. Create your branch (git checkout -b new-draft)
  2. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some changes')
  3. Push to the branch (git push origin new-draft)
  4. Create new Pull Request

The other developers

  • Vote it (+1) or rise objection in conversation page.

Assignee of PR

  • Accept or deny the PR
  • [MUST] Create a commit even if merge resolved via first-forward (git merge -no-ff new-draft)


You can use /draft dir for your drafts.


Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 3.0)