

Primary LanguagePerl

Monitoring experimental deployment.

Supported Distros: Server: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Agent: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, CentOS 7.1

  • nested/monitoringSolution.json This will install the monitor VM to given vnet/subnet, and also install monitoring agent on all vms connected to that vnet/subnet.

Deploy to Azure

Deployment parameters:

Parameters Description
storageAccount An existing storage account in same resource group, used for storing the new VM.
virtualNetworkName The name of vnet where current VMs connects to.
subnetName The name of subnet where current VMs connects to.
monitorVmName The name for the new monitoring server VM to be created.
monitorVmUsername The username for the new created monitoring server VM.
monitorVmPassword The password for the new created monitoring server VM.
mysqlHost The host for the backend database server, leave 'localhost' for creating a new one.
mysqlDbName The database name for monitoring backend database.
mysqlUser The database username for monitoring backend database.
mysqlPassword The database password for monitoring backend database.

Deployment output

Output Description
serverPublicEndpoint The frontend endpoint for the monitoring serice(aka monitoring portal).
  • nested/monitoringSolutionWithMail.json This will install the monitor VM to given vnet/subnet, and also install monitoring agent on all vms connected to that vnet/subnet. Will add mail media with configured parameters.

Deploy to Azure

Deployment parameters:

Parameters Description
storageAccount An existing storage account in same resource group, used for storing the new VM.
virtualNetworkName The name of vnet where current VMs connects to.
subnetName The name of subnet where current VMs connects to.
monitorVmName The name for the new monitoring server VM to be created.
monitorVmUsername The username for the new created monitoring server VM.
monitorVmPassword The password for the new created monitoring server VM.
mysqlHost The host for the backend database server, leave 'localhost' for creating a new one.
mysqlDbName The database name for monitoring backend database.
mysqlUser The database username for monitoring backend database.
mysqlPassword The database password for monitoring backend database.
smtpServer The smtp server for mail notification, format is server:port.
smtpUser The smtp user for mail notification.
smtpPassword The smtp password for mail notification.
notificationReceiver The receiver's email address for mail notification.

Deployment output

Output Description
serverPublicEndpoint The frontend endpoint for the monitoring serice(aka monitoring portal).
  • nested/clusterNodes.json This will deploy a testing cluster, for testing, please deploy this one first before other templates.

Deploy to Azure

  • nested/monitoringServer.json This will install monitoring server only.

Deploy to Azure

  • nested/monitoringAgentByVnet.json This will install monitoring agents for given vnet/subnet.

Deploy to Azure

  • nested/monitoringAgentByVms.json This will install monitoring agents for given Vms.

Deploy to Azure