Fine-tuning polygenic risk score models using GWAS summary statistics

Primary LanguageR


Fine-tuning polygenic risk score models using GWAS summary statistics


Please clone the repo to local in order to build and load.

Last update: 10/25/2019. Please update the package if downloaded before 10/26/2019 4:53pm CT.


Our project gives user-friendly function that presents a direct and explicit result of fine-tuning polygenic risk score models. A quick start panel that walks through PUMAS usage is included below. For full explanation and tutorial, please go to wiki

Step 0

Downloading pumas repo form this page by clicking Clone or Download

Step 1

Load our package by double click on pumas.Rproj and go to menu of R > Build > Load All

Step 2

Giving input information to do an analysis from our package in R console. In our example, see details in wiki


Quick Start

Note: before applying PUMAS to GWAS summary statistics, the GWAS data needs to be pruned in advance. Do not use clumped GWAS as input.

LD-pruning can be done by PLINK.

Input Data

The function requires an input GWAS summary statistics file in the form of .txt/.txt.gz. The GWAS summary data should include:

Parameter Example Description
input_path "input/T0030_pruned.txt" GWAS path
beta_header Beta Effect size
af_header EAF Either allele/minor allele frequency
se_header SE Standard error
pvalue_header Pval P-value
samplesize_header 766345 Sample size

Optional Features

samplesize_header can be either a number or a character of column name. If the input GWAS does not include a column for per-SNP sample sizes, the user can provide a single number (usually reported along with a published GWAS) as the uniform sample size for all SNPs.

n_fold is the number of subsets that PUMAS partitions the complete GWAS into. For example, when n_fold=4 PUMAS will generate the training summary statistics based on 3 subsets and calculate the testing summary statistics of the remaining 1 subset. n_fold can be user-specified. When n_fold is not specified, PUMAS will use a default of 4 subsets to implement the model tuning approach.

odds_ratio is a boolean value that tells PUMAS whether the weight input from GWAS is effect size (quantitative) or odds ratio (binary). When odds_ratio=T, PUMAS asusmes that beta_header is the header for odds ratio and applies log-transformation on the column. The default is odds_ratio=F.

Make Plot (optional)

PUMAS can output a scatterplot that illustrates a detailed pattern of the predictive performance under each PRS models. Y-axis is the predictive R2 and X-axis is log-transformed p-value cutoff for every model. To make this plot, the user needs to provide 2 more parameters to the main function:

output_path is the path to store the plot in .png format. For example, output_path='result/test.png' is acceptable.

make_plot is a boolean value that tells PUMAS whether to output a scatterplot. The default is make_plot=F.

For more detailed interpretations please see details in wiki page. Test Image 4


PUMAS results are printed in the interface.

Maximal.R2is the estimated R2 at for the best model selected.

Optimal.P.value is the p-value cutoff for the best model selected.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


All rights reserved for Lu-Laboratory


If you use the package, please cite

Zhao, Z. et al. Fine-tuning Polygenic Risk Scores with GWAS Summary Statistics. bioRxiv, 810713 (2019).
