Easily IM enable your Ruby or Rails applications with one simple API.
The Imified gem aims to be as flexible as possible while helping you easily integrate instant messaging into your application.
Imified was designed to be as simple as possible. For the first implementation it will simply contain the public API methods specified on the Imified website. (www.imified.com/developers/api)
Create your FREE accout at www.imified.com/account/sign_up.
Create your bot. Imified will ask you to provide the following information:
Screen Name
URL (Note: Leave this blank until you need it.)
Create a screenname for your bot. Choose one of the following services:
Jabber (www.jabber.org)
AIM (www.aim.com)
MSN (signup.live.com)
YAHOO (edit.yahoo.com/registration?.intl=us&new=1&.done=http%3A//mail.yahoo.com&.src=ym)
Google Talk (www.google.com/talk)
Twitter (www.twitter.com)
Login to your imified bot and connect the bot to the newly created account.
Install the gem:
gem install imified
Setup IMified when your application initializes:
Imified.setup do |config| config.botkey = 'botkey of the bot you want to use' config.email_address = 'your imified account email address' config.password = 'your imified account password' end
# Send a message to a user or list of users. Imified.send_message("Welcome to Imified", :to => 'userkey or email address') # Fetch the user details for a specific user. Imified.get_user(userkey) # Fetch a list of all of the users known to the bot. Imified.get_all_users