
TextMate support for PHP

Primary LanguageRuby

Version 2.0beta6 (Justin French, Sune Foldager, Allan Odgaard, Matteo Spinelli, Kumar McMillan, Mats Persson)

Notes v2.0beta6 [2005-03-04] (mats@imediatec.co.uk)
-- amended "comments.block.phpdocs.php" to highlight until end of line
-- amended "keywords.operators.comparison.php" to prevent highlighting of <?php ?> tags

Also added a reworked HTML (PHP) and added CSS (PHP) and JavaScript (PHP) syntaxes. These syntax files may still have some issues, visual bugs or missing words/tags/attributes, etc. If you find any fault, please let me know. Thanks!

HTML (PHP).plist
A reworking/rebuilding of the existing HTML-PHP syntax for more fine-grained control of tags, attributes and values, as well as some additions from the main HTML syntax file.
-- changed text formatting for better readability of syntax structure
-- changed syntax colouring to a darker more easy to read scheme (temporary display where all syntax groups have a unique colour)
-- added "macros.server-side-includes.html" for Server Side Includes syntax.
-- added "meta.docinfo.xml.html" for <?xml..> highlighting
-- removed "keywords.markup.tags.html" and "keywords.markup.tag.options.html" replaced with improved elements and attributes syntax groups (see next two points)
-- added "keywords.markup.elements.html" with named html elements so that only proper HTML tags are highlighted
-- added "keywords.markup.attributes.html" with named attributes so that only proper attributes are highlighted
-- changed "embedded.php" to "embedded.php.html"
-- added "embedded.css.html" for CSS syntax inside HTML files (see below for more info)
-- added "embedded.js.html" for JavaScript syntax inside HTML files (see below for more info)

CSS (PHP).plist
Added a CSS syntax for PHP which is also a complete reworking/rebuilding of the existing CSS syntax for more fine-grained control of selectors, properties and values.
-- text formatted for better readability of syntax structure
-- temporary syntax colouring in line with other files in this package for easier to read scheme (all syntax groups have a unique colour)
-- added/reworked "keywords.selectors.css" syntax group enabling unique syntax colouring for each sub-pattern
	-- "keywords.selectors.html-elements.css" with named <tags>
	-- "keywords.selectors.classes.css" for User Defined .Classes
	-- "keywords.selectors.id.css" for User Defined #IDs
	-- "keywords.selectors.pseudo-class.css" for :hover, :visited etc.
-- added "keywords.at-rules.css" for @import or @media syntaxes. 
-- added "keywords.properties.css" for named properties values;
-- added/reworked "keywords.properties.values.css" with sub syntax groups
	-- "keywords.properties.values.keywords.css" for CSS value keywords, like top, left, inherit etc.
	-- "keywords.properties.values.fonts.css" for common Fonts, or "quoted fonts"
	-- "keywords.properties.values.digits.css" for displayed numbers. = 10px
	-- "keywords.properties.values.units.css" for px/em/cm/pt/% etc,
	-- "keywords.properties.values.colors.css" for #FFFFFF colours
	-- "keywords.properties.values.functions.css" for url(),rgb() etc. with sub patterns for strings, rgb colour and % values.

	JavaScript (PHP).plist
	Added a JS syntax for PHP which is also a complete reworking/rebuilding of the existing JavaScript syntax for more fine-grained control of Objects, Methods and properties.
	-- text formatted for better readability of syntax structure
	-- temporary syntax colouring in line with other files in this package for easier to read scheme (all syntax groups have a unique colour)
	-- added "comments.html.js" for supported <!-- tags inside <script> tags in HTML.
	-- changed "keywords.js" to "keywords.reserved.js" and added all known reserved keywords
	-- added "keywords.objects.js" syntax group with named JS Objects (currently set to be case-insensitive, but can be changed to case sensitive)
	-- added "keywords.methods.js" syntax group with named JS methods (case-sensitive)
	-- added "keywords.properties.js" syntax group with named JS properties (case-sensitive)
	-- added "keywords.event-handlers.js" syntax group with named JS Event-handlers (case-sensitive)
	-- added "keywords.operators.js" syntax group with complete range of operators
	-- added "constants.js" for JavaScript defined constants
	-- disabled "strings.regex.js" as it cuts out syntax colouring. Needs more work.

Also added a number of generic snippets.

Notes v2.0beta5 [2005-02-28] (mats@imediatec.co.uk)
-- changed text formatting for better readability of syntax structure
-- changed syntax colouring to a darker more easy to read scheme (still experimental)
-- changed Comments-> "PHPDoc tags" to  "comments.block.phpdocs.php" for better TM stylesheet support
-- changed "keywords.control.php" syntax group to only deal with Control Structures.
-- added "keywords.control.includerequire.php" syntax group for separate highlighting of include/require functions
-- added "keywords.exceptions.php" syntax group to deal with Exception handling in PHP5
-- added "keywords.constructs.php" syntax group to deal with classes for PHP4/5
-- incorporated the Scope Resolution Operator [ :: ] and [ -> ] into the "keywords.constructs.php" syntax group
-- added "keywords.constructs.members.php" syntax group for class member status declaration
-- changed all "keywords.<php-built-in-functions>.php" to "keywords.functions.<php-built-in-functions>.php" for better TM stylesheet support
-- incorporated the [ => ] into the "keywords.functions.array.php" syntax group
-- added/reworked the Operators syntax group
	-- "keywords.operators.arithmetic.php" syntax group
	-- "keywords.operators.comparison.php" syntax group
	-- "keywords.operators.error-control.php" syntax group
	-- "keywords.operators.increment-decrement.php" syntax group
	-- "keywords.operators.logical.php" syntax group
	-- "keywords.operators.strings.php" syntax group
	-- "keywords.operators.type.php" syntax group
	-- removed "keywords.operators.arrows.php" syntax group as these were incorporated in other groups -> keywords.constructs & keywords.functions.array
-- changed Variables-> "Superglobal Variable" syntax group to "keywords.variables.globals.php"
-- amended list of variables in "keywords.variables.globals.php" to contain only the (validation required) globals
-- added "keywords.variables.globals.safer.php" syntax group for safer (=non-validation required) global variables.
-- changed Misc. -> "keywords.control.php" to "constants.php" and added a few good usability shortcuts (need to be define()'d in code )
-- moved "constants.numeric.php" syntax group to be part of Constants syntax group
-- added "constants.core-predefined.php" syntax group
-- added "constants.std-predefined.php syntax group

Version 2.0beta4 (Justin French, Sune Foldager, Allan Odgaard, Matteo Spinelli, Kumar McMillan)

Notes v2.0beta4 [2005-02-25] (kumar.mcmillan/gmail.com):
- Added PHP Documentor snippets (snippet "phpdoc_u" prints usage)

Notes v2.0beta3 [2005-02-24]:
- Added PHP5 language constructs and PHPDoc tags to inline comments

Notes v2.0beta2 [2005-02-23]:
- Under Allan suggestion I stripped out some functions from the list.
  Stripped functions:
    * Advanced PHP debugger functions
    * Aspell functions
    * PHP bytecode Compiler
    * CCVS API Functions
    * COM and .Net (any complains about this?) 
    * Cybercash Payment Functions (is someone really using them?)
    * DBM Functions
    * DOM Functions (most of them are class functions, don't know how to
      handle them exactly with code highlighting)
    * DOM XML Functions (same as above)
    * Hyperwave Functions
    * Hyperwave API Functions
    * ICAP Functions
    * Ingres II Functions (removed as considered experimental)
    * mailparse Functions
    * MCVE Payment Functions
    * Memcache Functions
    * mnoGoSearch Functions           
    * Mohawk Software Session Handler Functions (I heard bugs about it)
    * muscat Functions (here kitty-kitty-kitty!)
    * Ncurses Terminal Screen Control Functions
    * YP/NIS Functions
    * OpenAL Audio Bindings
    * PDO Functions
    * Verisign Payflow Pro Functions
    * XSL functions
    * YAZ Functions
  Please let me know if you think I removed an important set of functions
  or you think I kept useless ones.
- I heard a new code colouring method is under development, so I am not
  working anymore on color scheme until the new TM version will be available

Notes v2.0beta1 [2005-02-21] (Matteo Spinelli):
- added all 3500+ PHP's functions, deprecated onces are also available but
  commented out
- all functions are grouped by topic/type and displayed alphabetically
- new color scheme 

Notes v1.0 [Original version by: Justin French, Sune Foldager, Allan Odgaard]
- commented out the auto-indent feature, because it helps some, and makes
  life a real pain for others, depending on coding style
- PHP's 3500+ native functions aren't here yet -- just reserved words and
  basic constants from the docs, plus the control structures and language