Architect and project manager in previous life, now a wannabe Java developer. Engaged full-time in learning programming since 2019.
Cracow, Poland
Pinned Repositories
An online store for Codecool students to achieve quests and win artifacts to use, together with admin portal to manage content. A 2-months, 4-people project made using JavaEE.
Simple website of local renewable energy provider. Commercial project.
The final project of the Full Stack Developer course in CodeCool. A REST application created in SpringBoot and Angular, with the main purpose to track spending and income of the user.
Viruses-themed console card game, for two players. As for the code - a chance to implement 4 interfaces, abstract classes and use DAO design pattern.
Application made during AJAX workshop, with emphasis on using external API, practicing asynchronous JavaScript and using JS charts library.
Fourth practical project while learning JavaScript. Thanks to Wes Bos JavaScript30 challenge + custom CSS styling.
Java workshops project aiming to introducing to OOP inheritance and abstraction concepts. Program designed to add, modify and present geometrical shapes to user.
1 day Java exercise, aiming at testing OOP understanding and basic architecture planning abilities. An application to browse and modify books available in the library.
Set of algorithmic exercises performed in Java. To be gradually updated.
First bigger project done at the beginning of learning java. It is a simple tool for prioritizing tasks.
karbudzik's Repositories
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