Title: Music collection app

This is a music collection app made with Ruby On Rails. Link: (https://gergos-music-collection-app.herokuapp.com/) It is also a challenge by [Moat Builders] (https://www.moat.ai//).


  • Rails (rails 6.1.4);
  • Ruby (ruby 3.0.0)
  • psql (PostgreSQL 12.4) - database;
  • devise (4.8.0) - for user authentication
  • simple form

How to install:

  1. Clone the project and create your own repository:
    • git@github.com:karcagigergo/music-collection-app.git --origin music-collection-app your-project-name
    • cd your-project-name
    • git init .
    • git add .
    • git commit
    • hub create
  2. Install dependencies:
    • bundle install
    • yarn install

How to use:

  1. run rails s, to boot up the local server
  2. When running the application it automatically creates a user (username: user, password: 123456) and an admin (username: admin, password: 123456) - of course, if you want to create any kind of user it is absolutely possible.
  3. As a user you can create and edit Albums, as an admin you can delete them too.
  1. Login:
  • Basic login page with the fields username and password
  • Once logged in the user should be able to access all internal pages of the music app
    • If a not-logged in user tries to access any internal page he should be redirected to the login page
  • After a successful login the user should be redirected to the Artists list page
  • A failed login attempt will send the user back to the login page with the error: Sorry, we couldn't find an account with this username. Please check you're using the right username and try again.
  1. Albums:
  • CRUD actions for the albums are available
  • Only admins can DELETE albums (users can add and edit)
  • Each album will contain the following fields:
    • Artist let user select from the list of existing artists
    • Album name
    • Year
  1. Artist List:
  • Only allowed artists should be accepted by the app. The app must load the list of artists from an API.
  • Endpoints: