
๐Ÿ•ธ show container images used in the cluster.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


๐Ÿ•ธ show container images used in the cluster.

๐Ÿ”ฐ Installation


$ kubectl krew install images
Updated the local copy of plugin index.
Installing plugin: images
Installed plugin: images
 | Use this plugin:
 | 	kubectl images
 | Documentation:
 | 	https://github.com/chenjiandongx/kubectl-images

Bulid from source code

$ git clone https://github.com/chenjiandongx/kubectl-images.git
$ cd kubectl-images && go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o kubectl-images . && mv ./kubectl-images /usr/local/bin
$ kubectl images --help

Download the binary

export VERSION=0.1.0

# Linux
$ curl -Lo kubectl-images https://github.com/chenjiandongx/kubectl-images/releases/download/v${VERSION}/kubectl-images_linux_amd64
# MacOS
$ curl -Lo kubectl-images https://github.com/chenjiandongx/kubectl-images/releases/download/v${VERSION}/kubectl-images_darwin_amd64
# Windows
$ curl -Lo kubectl-images https://github.com/chenjiandongx/kubectl-images/releases/download/v${VERSION}/kubectl-images_windows_amd64

$ chmod +x kubectl-images && mv kubectl-images /usr/local/bin/
$ kubectl images --help

๐Ÿ“ Usage

~ ๐Ÿถ kubectl images --help
Show container images used in the cluster.

  kubectl-images [podname-regex] [flags]

  # display a table of all images in current namespace using podName/containerName/containerImage as columns.
  kubectl images

  # display a table of images that match 'nginx' podname regex in 'dev' namespace using podName/containerImage as columns.
  kubectl images -n dev nginx -c 1,2

  -A, --all-namespaces     if present, list images in all namespaces.
  -c, --columns string     specify the columns to display, separated by comma. [0:Namespace, 1:PodName, 2:ContainerName, 3:ContainerImage] (default "1,2,3")
  -h, --help               help for kubectl-images
  -n, --namespace string   if present, list images in the specified namespace only. Use current namespace as fallback.
      --version            version for kubectl-images

๐Ÿ”– Glances

image image

๐Ÿ“ƒ License

MIT ยฉchenjiandongx