
Movie app from TMDB's API

Primary LanguageKotlin


Movie app from TMDB's API


  • Discover the most popular, the top rated and the upcoming movies and watch details of this movie.
  • Discover actors in specific movie.
  • search for movies.
  • Watch trailers(YouTubePlayer).
  • and all of these in One Activity (one activity app)
  • Handle crashes and errors whrn any state of netowrk

Overview Gifs


Youtube Player



  • Kotlin
  • MVVM
  • Dagger Hilt
  • Retrofit
  • viewModel , LiveData
  • Coroutines
  • Navigation component
  • YouTubePlayer
  • Shimmer
  • Glide
  • Normal animation
  • DiffUtil


to get started put your API_Key & Youtube_API_key in utils/Constants class before you run the app.

Sammary video for this app on LinkedIn:
