SYSC 3110 Project: Uno Flip - Milestone 4

Project description

The SYSC 3110 project is to basically create a simplified version of the card game Uno Flip. The simplified version would work identical to the original but with lesser functionalities. In Milestone 4, the game is developed as GUI-based, with remaining additional features such as undo/redo, restarting the game and save/loading the game.

Project members and authors

Our group, Group #11, consists of 4 members: Mehedi Mostofa, Rayat Md Kibria, Evan Baldwin and Kareem El Assad. The contributions of the members are listed below:

Member Student number Contributions
Mehedi 101154128 Serialize/Deserialize, UnoModel, UnoViewFrame, UnoController, UMLClass
Rayat 101151001 Serialize, Deserialize, UnoModel, UnoViewFrame, Tests
Evan 101222276 Undo/Redo, UnoController, UnoModel, UnoViewFrame, GUI refactoring
Kareem 101107739 Replaying, UnoModel, UnoViewFrame

How to run


  1. Run the main method within and interact with the game in the pop-up window.
  2. Run the jar through the terminal.
    1. Make sure you are in the SYSC3110_Project directory.
    2. Run the following command java -jar SYSC3110_Project.jar


The following is a list of deliverable that were required in the milestone:


    • Location: SYSC3110_Project/src
    • Description: model.Card class represents the number and special cards.

    • Location: SYSC3110_Project/src
    • Description: model.Deck class builds itself and draws cards.

    • Location: SYSC3110_Project/src
    • Description: model.Player class represents each player, and their hand and scores.

    • Location: SYSC3110_Project/src
    • Description: Uno class is the main class for game functionality and running.

    • Location: SYSC3110_Project/src
    • Description: Junit test file for model.Card.

    • Location: SYSC3110_Project/src
    • Description: Junit test file for model.Deck.

    • Location: SYSC3110_Project/src
    • Description: Junit test file for model.Player.

    • Location: SYSC3110_Project/src
    • Description: JFrame class for interacting with the game.

    • Location: SYSC3110_Project/src
    • Description: Interface for view.UnoViewFrame.

    • Location: SYSC3110_Project/src
    • Description: Controller for interacting with View.

    • Location: SYSC3110_Project/src
    • Description: Junit test file for model.UnoModel.

    • Location: SYSC3110_Project/src
    • Description: class for implementing AI players.

    • Location: SYSC3110_Project/src
    • Description: Junit test file for model.AI.
  • /Diagrams/Milestone {Milestone Number}/Class Diagrams/

    • Description: UML class diagram depicting the different relations between the classes.

Data structure explanation

  • Utilized an ArrayList to manage a collection of model.Player and model.Card objects in model.Deck and model.Player classes.
  • Used an Enum to store Types and Colors in the model.Card class.
  • Used ArrayList to manage views inside the model.

Design consideration

  • We are considering using a Doubly Circular Linked List for the model.Player collection.
    • Pros:
      • Good for reversal operations
      • Good game loop traversal
    • Cons:
      • More complex than an ArrayList
      • Worse access than ArrayLists

Our UNO game application is designed to support easy extension and modification without disrupting existing modules. Follow these guidelines:

-Encapsulate Changes: Kept modifications localized within separate classes or methods to avoid affecting the fundamental logic.This ensures high cohesion due to modularity.

-Utilize Interfaces and Inheritance: Use interfaces for new functionalities and inheritance for extending behaviors, ensuring compatibility with existing components. This ensures loose coupling between classes.

-Unit Testing: Develop unit tests for new functionalities or modified behaviors to maintain stability.

Changes to structure and UML

  • No significant changes in the UML diagrams as only a few methods were added.
  • There were no particular changes in data structures either.

Known issues:

  • Save and load works in GUi as no errors show, but it doesn't save the right stuff.