FCC Broadband Data Transformer

Inspired by The Net Neutrality map: How I built it

This ruby application generates Mapbox compatible maptiles used to map FCC Broadband data


  • Ruby

  • Gdal (ogr2ogr): $ brew install gdal

  • Tippecanoe, (ogr2ogr): $ brew install tippecanoe


  • Clone repo

  • Navigate to project folder and run bundle install to install the gem (ruby libraries needed to run the application)

    • If you don't have bundler, install it using gem install bundler
  • From the command lines, run the following (in order):

    $ ruby file_manager.rb
    $ ruby geo_json_converter.rb
    $ ruby geo_json_enhancer.rb
  • Navigate to the geo_json_files directory and run the following command to generate the maptiles

    $ tippecanoe -o ri_census_blocks.mbtiles -Z14 -z14 -ab -l --include="PROVIDERS" enhanced_tl_2019_44_tabblock10.geojson